Dating with mental illness – what is important?
Whether it’s social phobias, burnout or depression, mental illnesses are becoming more and more widespread these days. According to statistics from the RKIs, one in three people in Germany will suffer from such problems at least once in their lifetime.
It is therefore quite natural that people looking for a partner may also meet singles with such conditions. But what is actually important in such constellations so that dating can lead to success?
Should singles be open about their condition?
Experience reports from those affected show time and again that it is more promising to deal with the disease openly. Hiding it is usually not a good idea.
Of course, there is always a certain risk of scaring off the other person. Nevertheless, clarity can be created from the outset in this way. If, on the other hand, a great deal of effort is made to maintain an impression of normality, this places a great burden on those affected. There is also an increased risk of becoming entangled in excuses and lies over time.
Nevertheless, there is hardly ever a right time to talk about the illness. Many people who suffer from depression, for example, would not mention it during …