The Latest Way to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the inability of men to start or maintain an erection during intercourse. Many men end up feeling less confident because they experience erectile dysfunction. In fact, erectile dysfunction can be treated. The Canadian Pharmacy Online is the best recommended for you to treat the erectile dysfunction.
Most men choose to take drugs such as blue pills to treat erectile dysfunction. But the drugs are only temporary. You can find the best medicine for erectile dysfunction at the Canadian Pharmacy.
If the erectile tissue, in example, the inner tissue of the penis has been damaged, the drugs are no longer effective in overcoming the erectile dysfunction. In the medical world, the latest method of treating erectile dysfunction is the Extracorporeal Shock Waves for Sexual Therapy (ESST) method.
Urologist, Nouval said, ESST is a method of erectile dysfunction treatment without surgery and drugs.
“ESST restores erectile tissue. If the drug is used, it can only work on healthy erectile tissue,” explained Nouval some time ago.
ESST is a treatment method that uses shock waves. The urologist will use an ESST device at five points on the penis. Nouval said, the therapy process would last for 20 minutes.
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