The habit of smoking marijuana, unexpectedly, was found by the research team to provide benefits related to the problem of male fertility. The results of the study which concluded that consumption of marijuana had increased the use of sperm production was present as a big surprise in the world of medical reproduction. You should order the best marijuana on Namaste.
The team of researchers from Harvard University analyzed more than 610 men from couples who were registered as patients at fertility clinics. These patients think, the history of consuming marijuana in the past has produced negative effects on sperm count and reproduction rate, so they have difficulty getting offspring.
Instead, the researchers saw something unexpected. Researchers actually found that patients or study participants who claimed to have used marijuana had more sperm counts than those who never consumed it at all.
However, researchers quickly asserted, their findings do not mean supporting the smoking habit of marijuana or justifying marijuana can increase the likelihood of men becoming fathers. The researchers explained, there might be a non-causal explanation for the relationship between marijuana and sperm fertility. For the best quality marijuana, you can get it on
“The results of our study still need to be interpreted with caution. Further research is needed on the effects of cannabis use on health,” Chavarro said.
Previous research involving experiments in animals and men with a history of medicine abuse showed that marijuana damaged sperm reproductive health. All of them are couples who need further medical assistance to have offspring. All participants had asked to fill out a questionnaire detailing the history of drug use, including marijuana.
As a result, 55{1ee3cdb02d5b3213fff21d0140e8dae6b55a21d88c45ee5074ea3ec502b28e45} of men were reported having smoked marijuana in the past. Then, as many as 44{1ee3cdb02d5b3213fff21d0140e8dae6b55a21d88c45ee5074ea3ec502b28e45} claimed to use other types of illegal drugs, and 11{1ee3cdb02d5b3213fff21d0140e8dae6b55a21d88c45ee5074ea3ec502b28e45} categorized themselves as active users until the study took place.
Analysis of sperm samples result, that men who smoked marijuana were an average sperm concentration of around 63 million sperm per milliliter (million/mL). Those who never smoked marijuana had an average number of 45.4 million/mL.
Then, only 5{1ee3cdb02d5b3213fff21d0140e8dae6b55a21d88c45ee5074ea3ec502b28e45} of marijuana users have sperm counts below 15 million mL – the normal size threshold according to the World Health Organization (WHO) – compared to 12{1ee3cdb02d5b3213fff21d0140e8dae6b55a21d88c45ee5074ea3ec502b28e45} of men who never smoked marijuana.
In addition, more marijuana use, according to the study, shows higher male testosterone levels.
Conclusions wrote in the journal Human Reproduction the scientists also say there is a possibility that low levels of marijuana exposure can benefit sperm production in certain ways.
The endocannabinoid chemical messenger system in the brain affected by marijuana, the researchers said, is known to play a role that regulates fertility.
“The same plausible interpretation is that our findings may reflect the fact that men with higher testosterone levels are more likely to be susceptible to involvement in high-risk behaviors, including smoking marijuana,” explained Dr. Feiby Nassan, a member of the research team.